CREATE The Life Of Your Dreams
Dream Coaching is an INNOVATIVE one-on-one program, designed to help young dreamers shape their ideas, discover possibilities, and create the life they imagine. These private online sessions were born out of my desire to give 9 year old "Angie" advice on how to discover my individual gifts, utilize my strengths, and create a clear path to my goals.
Each package is designed to offer young dreamers a process and plan to get closer to their goals. Whether it's DreamVision, DreamScape, DreamBuild, or DreamGo, this program offers the ideas, support, and guidance to make it happen.
DREAM COACHING is a helping hand, a listening ear, and a creative mind to expand ideas and propel you towards your destiny.

45 mins online
+ Free Dream Assessment
You have a dream. You are planning for college, want to start a non-profit, build your brand, start your own business, or any DREAM your heart can imagine! Lets DreamStorm and bring your ideas to life!

45 minutes (Online)
+ Free Dream Assessment
You have a dream, but you don't know where to start. You have great ideas, but need help organizing your vision. In 2 private online sessions, Let me help you discover your purpose and design your dreams. Includes DreamStorm, & DreamScape

45 mins online
+ Free Dream Assessment
You were created for More. There is a dream inside waiting to be unleashed. In 4 online sessions to we will work together to create a complete DREAM Blueprint which includes: DreamStorm, DreamScape, DreamBuilding, & DreamGo
to guide you toward your greatest DREAM!